Date(s) - 24. November 2023
16:00 - 18:00

Public Climate School


An evolutionary view on changing environments

Den Link zum Stream erhältst du nach der Anmeldung (siehe unten).

In recent years, significant efforts have been dedicated to unveiling how wildlife adapts to environmental disruptions. Specifically, genetic and genomic investigations have allowed us to delve into the fundamental mechanisms and consequences behind these adaptations. Nevertheless, connecting genetic data with observable traits and ecological characteristics remains a substantial challenge in the field of evolutionary biology. Here, I will present two instances that demonstrate what can be gleaned from genome projects focused on wild animals.

First, I’ll delve into the great tit genome project, which serves as a model species in evolutionary, ecological, and behavioral research. I’ll illustrate how this project has yielded profound insights into the molecular underpinnings of vital traits in this species by examining great tit individuals from across Europe.

Next, I’ll discuss our work on a large, social, ground-dwelling rodent that has excellently adapted to the frigid Alpine conditions. We undertook the sequencing of the Alpine marmot’s genome and reconstructed its genetic history. Through this, I will showcase a striking example of how specialization to a particular climate can have enduring repercussions on genetic fitness, highlighting why Alpine species are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Lastly, I will show how information on epigenetic modifications can be linked to genetic resources to understand the response to fast changing environments.

Anmeldung erforderlich?

Ja: https://nachhaltigkeit.tu-dortmund.de/studieren/studium-oecologicum/anmeldung-ringvorlesung-kwww-fuer-externe/


Die Ringvorlesung findet auf Englisch statt.

Infos zur Person

Im Rahmen von DOLCE (Dortmund Life Science Center) wurde Prof. Toni Goßmann als Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Computational Systems Biology berufen. Nach einem Studium der Bioinformatik hat er an der University of Sussex promoviert und als Postdoc weiter geforscht. Nach einem Wechsel an die Universität Bielefeld war er dort als Professor für Evolutionary Genetics tätig.

From clever birds and lonely marmots [AN][ON][ENG]

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